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Soundscape Demo Theater - Dune 1 on Projector



Hear and see the difference in our Paradigm and Anthem 5.1.4 Atmos Theater

Seymour Acoustically Transparent Widescreen and Sony 4k Laser Projector. 


Whether you're constructing a new space, converting an unused room, or upgrading an existing theater, we are delighted to assist you in maximizing your home theater experience!


We can help with nearly every stage of a home theater build, and at many different performance levels. From virtually hidden in-wall systems to in-room speakers across a huge range of styles and sonic signatures.

If you are starting from scratch or renovating your current space, we can help you with the interior design process of your home theater. From selecting paint colors to choosing carpets and accessories, getting the style of your theater right can significantly enhance your enjoyment of the space. Additionally, integrating room acoustic treatments is a crucial step in this process. Acoustically treating your theater space can unlock the true potential of your components, resulting in enhanced channel separation, better bass response, improved dynamics, and an overall superior cinematic experience! Our goal is to optimize your system to your goals as seamlessly as possible to create the best overall cinematic experience.

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Looking to upgrade the visual aspect of your theater? We can provide options for televisions and projectors that best suit your needs. With access to some of the finest TVs, projectors, and screens on the market, we can help you find the perfect size and style to meet your goals.



When it’s time to upgrade the brains of your home theater, we have fantastic options for both receivers and processors. The difference between a receiver and processor is that a receiver has built-in amplifiers whereas a processor does not. Separating the amplifiers from the processing allows for greater system flexibility and often leads to dramatically better sound, albeit with slightly more complexity. Upgrading either your receiver or processor is oftentimes the biggest improvement in sound for your theater, as well as allowing for the latest audio/video capabilities.

With the huge range of pieces and parts to a well-built home theater, we offer a complete design service with renderings of your space, providing a clear path forward. This service aids in visualizing the space as designed and offers a better understanding of how all the decisions come together to create an extraordinary final product: your home theater!

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